KVK nummer: 76663612

Afro Orientation Committee

The Afro-orientation Committee aims to promote AFRISA during the Kick-In. At the beginning of the Kick-In week, the Afro-orientation Committee shall attract African students and make them aware of AFRISA’s existence. This will be done either by a party, an information stand or distributing flyers at the beginning of the week. At the end of the Kick-In week, this committee will be a charge of organizing a follow-up event. In this event, the members will help new students find their way around Enschede and first at the University of Twente. The main goal of this committee is to welcome African and other international students and let them feel welcome in the new environment. 

Marketing Committee

In the Marketing Committee members create awareness of AFRISA by taking and receiving pictures and videos on the events and post them online. Members will maintain a positive image of AFRISA on social networking platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. In this committee members are free to use their creativity and support other committees by creating flyers, aftershow videos, and more. Additionally, creating visually appealing posts on social media platforms will be as well part of their tasks. 

Culture Committee

The Culture Committee aims at organizing African related events. The goal is to share African values and traditions in AFRISA’s environment. Members of this committee will arrange African-dance workshops, food festivals, art exhibitions, and more. The main idea behind hosting cultural events is to demonstrate the pride of Africa by showcasing its beautiful culture through art and style. This will help the general public understand more of Africa and its allure.

Pro Committee

The Pro Committee aims at organizing important and professional related events. Members of this committee are responsible for organizing debates, afro talks, enlisting motivational speakers, and networking with other universities. The focus of this committee will be to tackle controversial and relevant subjects, explore different opinions, educate, and provide the audience with an in-depth understanding of the history and culture of Africa.

Activity Committee

In this committee, members will organize small activities on a monthly basis. Activities may range from pub quizzes, parties, movie nights, bowling, etc. The goal is to get people regularly active in the association, enjoying one another company, as well as strengthening the connection between us.